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Last Updated:
3/22/2018 2:47 PM

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This  is a special place to remember and honor our departed but still beloved kitty companions. 

We owe so much to the animals who loved us without question. And while words can't begin to express the thanks we feel for their love, there is comfort in trying.

We are honored to afford the opportunity to express our thanks and never-ending love on these pages.  

If you would like to remember a special loved one here,email us with your request. 

For visitors who don't have loved ones posted here, we know you'll find at least one kitty who will strike a note of recognition in your heart for a kitty you remember, too.












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Beloved cat of Frank and Kateri Snow.

Jerry Boot
Jerry was an extraordinary soul, who, when his second FFGW adoption failed at 9 months due to litter box issues, told a communicator that he was now going to be bad as possible, since being as good as he could be had gotten him nowhere. He came to us then and was our boy--and litterbox perfect--ever since. Jerry was 3 legged when he was found in a field at 4 weeks. We lost him  today (March 16, 2012) to an inoperable fibrosarcoma on his "good" rear leg. (The same leg he broke at 11 months—undaunted, he'd fling his big blue cast under his tummy and motor around pulling himself by his powerful front legs and pushing off with the remainder of his missing fourth leg. Including into the litterbox and right up to the top of the 6-foot cat tree in our dining room!)  He was a character—brave and cowardly, crabby and sweet and so, so smart. We will love and miss you forever, our Jerry "Itty Bitty" Boot.  Your Mommies.

Beloved Jessy, your journey began when your owner went to heaven. You were abandoned in a warehouse and found hungry, and sick. God wanted you to have a second chance, and that is how I had the chance to be with you. As soon as my family and I saw you we knew how hard your life has been. You were nice to trust us after several days. I will never forget when you softly talked to me, and came to me looking for love. I was happy I gained your broken heart. When I realized your painful background, I wanted to fill your emptiness with the warm of my family. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. I am sorry I did not give everything you deserved, but I know you were OK with it. You gave us your love and trust, we will treasure it forever. God wanted you back, and now I know you are with God, and your real owner enjoying happiness eternally. Jessy, thank you for opening you heart to my family and me. Thank you for your soft talk, your warm, your strength, your maturity, your beauty, your heart. I know you departed with the feeling of being loved and love. You will be missed dearly, but I know where you are now, pain does not exist anymore. We know we will see you again someday, but this time it will be for good. Jessy, keep us in your beautiful soul!! From Tania

Joaquin King
Companion cat of Kimberly King. From Sarah Dupree

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