11160 C-1 S Lakes Dr #707
Reston, VA 20191
(703) 920-8665
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Last Updated:
3/22/2018 2:47 PM



Donate directly to us Online by clicking here

It's so easy!

Donate to FFGW's PayPal account

You can donate using either your credit card or your own PayPal account (if you have one, or wish to set one up).


Donate via check
Please mail your check to:  
The Feline Foundation of Greater Washington, Inc.
c/o Ruth Mulkerin, Treasurer
11160 C-1 South Lakes Drive
Reston, VA 20191

Donate using payroll deduction
You may also support the Feline Foundation through the yearly pledges through 

Combined Federal Campaign (#26212)

United Way (#8911)

other giving campaigns at your workplace that permits write-in designations!


Gift Acknowledgments

A monetary gift to the Feline Foundation is a wonderful way to honor family and friends while helping the kitties too!


At your request, we will send an acknowledgement card to your honoree letting them know a gift was made on their behalf.


If you mail us a check, please be sure to include your honoree's name and address with your check.  Gifts made online require just a few more steps: after you make an online gift, send us an e-mail including the date and amount of your donation, which on-line site you used (e.g., PayPal or Razoo) together with your honoree's name and contact information. We will confirm the donation with the donor site and then notify your honoree as quickly as we can!


FFGW follows IRS guidelines for acknowledging donations of $250 or more.