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3/22/2018 2:47 PM

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This  is a special place to remember and honor our departed but still beloved kitty companions. 

We owe so much to the animals who loved us without question. And while words can't begin to express the thanks we feel for their love, there is comfort in trying.

We are honored to afford the opportunity to express our thanks and never-ending love on these pages.  

If you would like to remember a special loved one here,email us with your request. 

For visitors who don't have loved ones posted here, we know you'll find at least one kitty who will strike a note of recognition in your heart for a kitty you remember, too.












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1997-2005... Fiona was the second cat we adopted from the Feline Foundation. She was a kitten fostered by Judy Medina. We felt very honored to be able to adopt our little Fiona and to share our lives with her - even if only for eight years. Fiona was born missing half of the ribs on her right-side. Fiona didn't let this birth defect affect her. She was a very playful and affectionate cat. For reasons unknown, Fiona would only play with toys that were white. She loved nothing more than playing "fetch" with her white mice, golf tees and scraps of white paper. Fiona didn't think much of our other cats and commanded her own room. However, in the evenings, she loved nothing more than sharing a bed with her people - often sleeping between our pillows. Fiona passed away peacefully on June 13, 2005. We had only found out a few days before that Fiona had an aggressive and untreatable form of cancer. Although we are still a bit shell-shocked, we are thankful that she didn't have to suffer long. Until we meet again Fiona, love Laura & Regan.

Fluffy Stafford
From Mindy Milman

Folie was born in an FFGW foster home in 1999 and adopted by a young, single woman.  Folie was reportedly a sweet kitty and life was perfect until her adopter married and had a child. Folie did not adjust well. She was returned to FFGW in 2005 or 2006 after becoming very aggressive around the baby. We aren't sure exactly what happened, but Folie was clearly badly traumatized by somethhing, whether the changes in her family life or something worse. After her return, she was equally unpredictable and fractious  and seemed unable to accept affection, even from her devoted foster mom, Margaret.  
After years in foster care, Folie gradually came to accept a modicum of affection from Margaret, but only on very specific terms. A pat on the head was acceptable, but no touching below the neck, and never, ever, the tummy. Brushing, yes, but only from the top of her head to a certain point on her back. The brush was swatted out of Margaret's hand on many more than one occasion. Often, Folie responded to Margaret's gentle "why hello, Folie" with a huge hiss. But Margaret loved her all the same. Folie enjoyed a fairly rigid routine, which came to include 3 meals plus  afternoon "tea" every day. She also insisted on daily excursions into the corridor outside Margaret's apartment  in a senior residence in Alexandria, as well as  occasional visits with the neighbors. No one could touch Folie, but everyone enjoyed talking to her, and, when Margaret went out for more than a few hours, one of Folie's friends would stop in to check on her and deliver her meal on time .   Folie spent at least part of every night curled on the bed by Margaret's side. Folie was sometimes an unreasonably early riser, and Margaret would try to coax her to stay in bed  awhile longer by bribing her with a few Temptations treats from a jar on the bedside table. Folie had cat beds and toys throughout the apartment, even a special blanket on the wide windowsill from which she liked to bird watch. Margaret and Folie sent Christmas cards to their friends around the world every winter.
Folie developed health issues in her later years (bladder stones, hyperthyroidism, constipation), and Margaret was a fiercely devoted and attentive nurse. She even postponed a trip to see  family in England when Folie was recovering from bladder surgery.  Although Folie could barely be handled by her vet and his heavily gloved technician, Margaret managed to coax and cajole Folie into eating a prescription diet for her bladder issue, snuck doses of specially compounded thyroid meds into her food and even cooked her a portion of sweet potato every day to increase her fiber intake. We knew that Folie would not accept the kind of medical intervention and supportive care we might offer a less prickly kitty, and solemnly promised Folie that we would not ruin her life in order to extend it. Such promises are more easily made than kept.
Folie's appetite started to wane about 3 months ago. With the vet's okay, Margaret tried samples of food from every cat family in the building, trying to find something Folie would like. Some were bigger hits than others, but by the end of June, Margaret was replacing one uneaten  meal with food that would not be touched at the next. Folie was still eating Temptations, but fewer and fewer each day. Last week, Folie was still going outside to "take the air" in the corridor, but by this past weekend, she didn't even ask to go out. Margaret devoted almost every minute to Folie, measuring her water intake, counting each kibble to see if any had been eaten. The time to keep the promise we had made to Folie was coming. On Thursday, Folie's vet came to help Margaret say goodbye to her very precious girl. Bur before the final injection, the doctor gave Folie a sedative and Margaret was able to cuddle Folie in her arms and kiss her for the very first time in their almost 10 years together.
FFGW will be eternally grateful to Margaret  for keeping its promise to precious, prickly Folie. A cat only a (foster) mother could love.--July 2, 2015

Passed away in his 19th year, friend and companion of Angela Napili and Albert Wu. From Bonnie Mangan

In loving memory of my furry "snuggle bug" Fritzie, who was my best friend for 17 years (1987-2004). S. Ford

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