11160 C-1 S Lakes Dr #707
Reston, VA 20191
(703) 920-8665
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Last Updated:
3/22/2018 2:47 PM

Yellow Ribbon's Web Page

Domestic Long Hair  : :  Male

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An approved adoption application is required to meet me in my foster home -- fill out an application today! Our mailing address is Reston, VA and our cats fostered in NoVA and DC homes.  Washington, D.C.- Suburban Virginia/Maryland Area inquiries only, please!

About Yellow Ribbon

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Cat
  • Current Age: 9 Years 9 Months (best estimate)

Imagine that you are the sweetest, most trusting cat ever. Now imagine that your person packs you and your newborn babies into a box and hauls you off to an animal shelter. What would you do? If you were beautiful Scarlett, you would purr. And head butt. And cuddle. And you would pass all that loving sweetness on to your babies. (Not to mention, get yourself adopted first!)

Named for the ribbon collar his foster mom used to tell one tiny tabby from the other when they first arrived in foster care,  sweet son Yellow Ribbon also got his good looks from his mommy. He is a sweet, sweet boy  who always plays with gentle paws. Yellow Ribbon is VERY FLUFFY.  Even his outlook on life: he's just a puff of love! He loves his people, loves to help with desk work and always loves (and wants) to sleep right  on or near you. He especially loves being picked up to be cuddled and kissed! Yellow Ribbon would love to be adopted with one or more of his siblings!

UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2015: Yellow Ribbon got his wish! He and Red Ribbon have been adopted and have a  forever home together just as they hoped!  Purrs all around!!!!!!

Other Pictures of Yellow Ribbon (click to see larger version):

Yellow Ribbon