An approved adoption application is required to meet me in my foster home -- fill out an application today! Our mailing address is Reston, VA and our cats fostered in NoVA and DC homes. Washington, D.C.- Suburban Virginia/Maryland Area inquiries only, please!
About Jeremiah
Status: Adopted!
Species: Cat
Color: black
Current Age: 19 Years 11 Months (best estimate)
Pretty Annabel (named for the Edgar Alan Poe poem) was a neighborhood stray who was brought indoors just before she had her five babies on March 10. Since coming inside she has really warmed up and is overcoming her shyness by leaps and bounds. Her kittens have been handled since birth and are lovable, huggable and totally adorable: everything kittens should be!
Jeremiah's mother, Annabel Lee (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Jeremiah's brother, Elijah (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Jeremiah's sister, Rose (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Jeremiah's brother, Malachi (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Jeremiah's brother, Zechariah (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
We need you! Give online, give at work, please give!