11160 C-1 S Lakes Dr #707
Reston, VA 20191
(703) 920-8665
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Last Updated:
3/22/2018 2:47 PM

Teapot's Web Page

Tuxedo  : :  Female  : :  Young

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My Rescue
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An approved adoption application is required to meet me in my foster home -- fill out an application today! Our mailing address is Reston, VA and our cats fostered in NoVA and DC homes.  Washington, D.C.- Suburban Virginia/Maryland Area inquiries only, please!

About Teapot

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Cat
  • General Color: Black and White
  • Current Age: 13 Years 6 Months (best estimate)

Thursday September 22, 2011  was our tiny little Teapot's  lucky day! An FFGW foster mom with time on her hands was browsing on Craigslist and found a SCARY post: a little kitten in Arlington needed a new home by 6 pm because her owner was leaving the country. He had no plans for her at all! Well,  after a quick check with the FFGW "powers that be," our volunteer was no longer bored: she was on a rescue mission that took her to—of all places—a pizza parlor's basement storeroom.  Now safely in our care and sporting a clean bill of health from Dr. B at VCA Barcroft, our purring little Teapot can't wait to meet you!

Update: Teapot wasn't in foster care for very long!  She met her new mommy on Sunday September 25 and after a long two week wait until she was old enough, Teapot was adopted on Saturday October 8.  Happy, happy, happy day!